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Getting started

Fly Machines

Machines are fast-launching VMs—and the engine of the platform.

Fly Machines

They’re also a low-level interface to deploy and scale out your application with precise control.

The Machines API

Fly Launch

Fly Launch is configuration, provisioning, deployment, scaling, and orchestration with flyctl, built on Fly Machines.

Learn more about Fly Launch

GPU compute

Run GPU workloads on Fly Machines.

Fly GPUs

Languages and frameworks

All languages and frameworks can run on We have more extensive docs and support for the following:

See the whole list:

Languages & Frameworks

Supporting services

Add-on services to help you run your entire stack near your users.

Production readiness


Private networking, public services, routing, and load balancing.

Metrics and Logs

Explore built-in and custom Prometheus metrics and Grafana dashboards. Live tail and search your app’s logs, or ship them where you want them.

Custom domains

Set up DNS and SSL certs for your app at your own domain.

Deploy with GitHub Actions

Set up continuous deployment from GitHub.