OpenResty: NGINX + Lua

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If you’ve been developing web applications for long, you’ve probably heard of Nginx. It’s a widely used open-source HTTP server, but it has some limitations. By default, Nginx doesn’t provide a way to program logical operators or write custom logic. Developers can circumvent this by using modules like Nginx JavaScript or Lua, but that takes extra work to install and configure.

OpenResty allows you to build full-fledged web applications by bundling Nginx with a Lua compiler and several common modules. This makes OpenResty more broadly useful than vanilla Nginx, but depending on your use case, it could be overkill.

For example, if you want to run a simple reverse proxy on your server, Nginx can handle it. If you need to add rate limiting, authentication, advanced caching, or a connection to a database, you’ll need a solution like OpenResty. With the increase in distributed computing and microservices, OpenResty has become an excellent option for complex firewalls, API gateways, and even full-fledged web applications.

Typically, OpenResty is deployed to a central server. Web requests go through OpenResty before being routed to the relevant backing services, but this model isn’t great for performance or redundancy. While you can set up several servers and run OpenResty on each, you have to figure out how to maintain and sync data across them.

A better solution is to use a distributed hosting platform like Fly to run OpenResty at the edge. Using Fly will decrease latency while ensuring that a single node’s failure doesn’t make your website unavailable.

Running OpenResty on

How to Deploy OpenResty to Fly

In this tutorial, you’ll see how to create an OpenResty application and deploy it to Fly. You’ll create a reverse proxy endpoint that uses the JSON Placeholder API as a backend service. You’ll use a custom Lua script to add rate limiting, and the Fly Redis connection to add API key authentication to your endpoint. All the steps you need are in this tutorial, but if you’d like to download the final application, it’s available on Github as well.


Preparing To Fly

To start, create a new directory called fly-openresty and we’ll create your new app inside of it:

mkdir fly-openresty && cd fly-openresty

Configuring the Dockerfile

Fly will build and run your Docker image in a Firecracker VM on the edge, but you need to select and configure a Dockerfile first.

OpenResty provides several Docker images you can use for your application. I opted for Centos, but because of an apparent bug in their Docker image, specified the tag.

After selecting the base image, add a RUN command to append env FLY_REDIS_CACHE_URL to the top of your /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf file. This line ensures that Nginx has access to the FLY_REDIS_CACHE_URL environment variable.

Finally, remove the default Nginx site configuration files and add default.conf file to the /etc/nginx/conf.d/ directory. When done, your Dockerfile should look something like this:

# Using this base image because of:
FROM openresty/openresty:

# Add the REDIS connection URL as an env variable in NGINX
RUN echo -e "env FLY_REDIS_CACHE_URL;\n$(cat /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf)" > /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

# Add the configuration file
RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/*
COPY default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf

Now that your Dockerfile is ready, you need to create the default.conf file before you can deploy your application to Fly.

Setting up the Nginx Configuration

Before you add rate limiting and Redis to your Nginx configuration, start with a simple reverse proxy configuration.

To set up your reverse proxy, create a default.conf file in your root directory and add the following:

server {
    listen 80;
    location /api/ {

This minimal Nginx configuration listens to requests on port 80 and reverse proxies any request to /api/ to the JSON Placeholder API. Now that your Dockerfile and Nginx configuration are ready, you can create and deploy your reverse proxy to Fly.

Creating a New Fly Application

You’ll need to use flyctl to create a new application. If you haven’t already, install the appropriate version of flyctl for your operating system using the instructions here.

Next, sign up or sign in to your Fly account via the command line:

# Sign up
flyctl auth signup

# Or sign in
flyctl auth login

You can now create your new app in the fly-openresty directory using the fly init command:

flyctl init --port 80

The --port 80 says our application communicates on port 80.

You’ll be prompted for an app name. Use the auto-generated app name, select your organization, and select Dockerfile as your builder. You should see output similar to this in your console:

? App Name (leave blank to use an auto-generated name) 

? Select organization: YOUR ORGANIZATION

? Select builder: Dockerfile
    (Create an example Dockerfile)

New app created
  Name     = <your-app-name>  
  Owner    = <your-name>
  Version  = 0               
  Status   =                 
  Hostname = <empty>         

Wrote config file fly.toml

Fly will create a fly.toml file in the your project’s directoy and set the internal_port to 80 so that requests are properly routed to OpenResty.

Now you’re ready to deploy your application using the command line:

flyctl deploy

You should see Fly build your Docker image and push it to Fly to deploy it. When finished, you’ll see output similar to the following:

Deploying <your-app-name>
==> Validating App Configuration
--> Validating App Configuration done
TCP 80/443 ⇢ 80

Deploy source directory '/Users/karl/fly-openresty'
Docker daemon available, performing local build...
==> Building with Dockerfile
Using Dockerfile: /Users/karl/fly-openresty/Dockerfile
--> Done Pushing Image
==> Optimizing Image
--> Done Optimizing Image
==> Creating Release
Release v1 created
Monitoring Deployment
You can detach the terminal anytime without stopping the deployment

1 desired, 1 placed, 1 healthy, 0 unhealthy [health checks: 1 total, 1 passing]
--> v1 deployed successfully

Your reverse proxy is now live on Fly! You can visit it and see the JSON Placeholder data using the Fly command line tool:

flyctl open /api 

In the next two sections, you’ll see how to add rate limiting and authentication using a Redis store and custom Lua scripts.

Adding Rate Limiting

Nginx reads and applies all the configuration files in the /etc/nginx/conf.d/ directory. Because OpenResty adds the Lua compiler to Nginx, you can write Lua code inside your default.conf file. To add rate limiting, you can use the lua-resty-limit-traffic library that comes with OpenResty and customize its behavior in your Nginx configuration file.

Open your default.conf file and replace it with the following:

lua_shared_dict my_limit_req_store 100m;

server {
    listen 80;
    location /api/ {
        access_by_lua_block {
            -- RATE LIMITER --
            local limit_req = require "resty.limit.req"

            -- Allow .5 requests per second --
            local lim, err ="my_limit_req_store", .5, .5)
            if not lim then
                ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to instantiate a resty.limit.req object: ", err)
                return ngx.exit(500)

            -- Use the visitor's IP addres as a key --
            local key = ngx.var.http_fly_client_ip
            local delay, err = lim:incoming(key, true)

            -- Throw an error when the limit is reached --
            if err == "rejected" then
                ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Limit reached: ", err)
                return ngx.exit(503)


This configuration passes your request through using the proxy_pass directive at the end, as the previous version did. Before it does, it checks if the visitor has reached their request limit using the Fly-Client-IP header attached to the request by Fly. If the IP address has called the endpoint in the past 2 seconds, it returns a 503 response and logs the error.

You can re-deploy this configuration file to Fly (again using flyctl deploy) and call the endpoint twice in quick succession to test it.

You’ve now got a working rate limiter, but you’re still not finished. In the last section, you’ll see how to connect your OpenResty application to Redis to store API keys that can be used for authentication.

Checking API Keys Against a Redis Store

Fly offers a region-local Redis instance to all deployments, which can be used to persist data for longer periods. While this volatile datastore is not meant for permanent use, you can use it to cache data so that it’s accessible on the edge.

In this last step, you’ll connect to the Fly Redis instance using the OpenResty Redis driver. You’ll authenticate requests using a key passed in by the user through a query string argument and return a 401 response code if authentication fails. In a real application, you would probably push data to the Fly Redis instance using their global data store, but because this is a demonstration app, you’ll hard code a few sample API keys.

First, write a Lua script to parse the connection string. Fly’s FLY_REDIS_CACHE_URL must be split at the : and @ characters, so you can write a function that takes any number of characters as possible delimiters (credit to Walt Howard on Stack Overflow for this one). Create a new file called split.lua and add the following:

local _M = {}
function _M.split(source, delimiters)
    local elements = {}
    local pattern = '([^'..delimiters..']+)'
    string.gsub(source, pattern, function(value) elements[#elements + 1] =     value;  end);
    return elements
return _M

Next, you need to make sure this file is copied into your Docker image, so open up your Dockerfile and add the following line to the end of it:

COPY split.lua /etc/nginx/conf.d/split.lua

Finally, you’re ready to update your default.conf file. Open it and edit it as shown below:

lua_shared_dict my_limit_req_store 100m;
lua_package_path "/etc/nginx/conf.d/?.lua;;";
-- Ensures that the Redis connection's DNS resolves --

server {
    listen 80;
    location /api/ {
        access_by_lua_block {
            -- RATE LIMITER --

            -- REDIS CACHE --
            splitter = require("split")
            local redis_client = require "resty.redis"
            local redis = redis_client:new()

            redis:set_timeouts(1000, 1000, 1000)

            -- Split the connection string env variable --
            parts = splitter.split(os.getenv("FLY_REDIS_CACHE_URL"), ":@")

            -- Connect to Redis --
            local res, err = redis:connect(parts[4], parts[5])
            if not res then
                ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to connect: ", err)

            -- Authorize using the password --
            local res, err = redis:auth(parts[3])
            if not res then
                ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to authenticate: ", err)

            -- Set some allowed API keys --
            -- Note: This should be done outside this script in a real app --
            ok, err = redis:set("oVr0mDgJejSmb9jwXp6B", 1)
            ok, err = redis:set("AstIqxOHpyAToCwh8qeL", 2)
            ok, err = redis:set("eaFW03Pjp27ZbgqpgqJQ", 3)

            -- Lookup the `key` --
            local res, err = redis:get(ngx.var.arg_key)
            if (not res) or (res == ngx.null) then
                ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Invalid key: ", err)
                return ngx.exit(401)

            -- Close the connection --
            local res, err = redis:close()
            if not res then
                ngx.say("failed to close: ", err)


Deploy this updated configuration file using flyctl deploy and visit https://<your-app-name> again. This time, you will get a 401 response from OpenResty. Add one of the API keys you hard-coded as a key in the query string: https://<your-app-name> and you’ll see the JSON placeholder data again.


In this post, you’ve seen how to create an OpenResty application to extend Nginx’s functionality. You’ve added rate-limiting to ensure that users don’t abuse your API and simple authentication using data cached in Redis. Finally, by deploying the application on Fly, you can take advantage of their globally distributed edge hosting environment to make your app faster and more reliable than it would be on traditional hosting.

If you have any questions about using OpenResty with, be sure to reach out so we can help you get started.