Upstash for Redis®*

*Redis is a registered trademark of Redis Ltd. Any rights therein are reserved to Redis Ltd. Any use by is for referential purposes only and does not indicate any sponsorship, endorsement or affiliation between Redis and

Upstash for Redis is a fully-managed, Redis-compatible database service offering global read replicas for reduced latency in distant regions. Upstash databases are provisioned inside your Fly organization, ensuring private, low-latency connections to your Fly applications.

See the What you Should Know section for more details about how Upstash Redis operates on

Create and manage a Redis database

Creating and managing databases happens exclusively via the Fly CLI. Install it, then signup for a Fly account.

Create and get status of a Redis database

flyctl redis create
? Select Organization: fly-apps (fly-apps)
? Choose a primary region (can't be changed later) Madrid, Spain (mad)
? Optionally, choose one or more replica regions (can be changed later): Amsterdam, Netherlands (ams)

The Upstash web console

To view more details about database usage, connection strings, and more, use:

flyctl redis dashboard <org_name>

List your databases and view status

Get a list of all of your Redis databases.

flyctl redis list
ID              NAME                ORG             PLAN    PRIMARY REGION  READ REGIONS
aaV829vaMVQGbi5 late-waterfall-1133 fly-apps        payg    mad             ams

Note the database name, then fetch its status.

fly redis status late-waterfall-1133
  ID             = aaV829vaMVDGbi5
  Name           = late-waterfall-1133
  Plan           = Pay-as-you-go
  Primary Region = mad
  Read Regions   = ams
  Private URL     = redis://

Connect to a Redis database

If you have redis-cli installed, you can connect directly to your Redis database and run commands.

fly redis connect
? Select a database to connect to empty-water-3291 (sjc) 200M
Proxying local port 16379 to remote [fdaa:0:6d6b:0:1::3]:6379> set foo bar
OK> get foo

Update a Redis database

Upstash Redis instances can’t change their primary region or name, but the following may change:

  • Read regions
  • Pricing plan
  • Eviction settings

Use flyctl redis update and follow the prompts. Changing region settings doesn’t cause downtime.

Delete a Redis database

Deleting a Redis database can’t be undone. Be careful!

fly redis destroy my-redis-db
Your Redis database my-redis-db was deleted

What you should know

Once provisioned, the database primary region cannot be changed.

Traffic routing

Upstash Redis is available in all Fly regions via a private IPv6 address restricted to your Fly organization. Traffic is automatically routed to the nearest replica, or in the absence of nearby replicas, to the primary instance.

If you plan to deploy in a single region, ensure that your database is deployed in the same region as your application.

Writing to replica regions

Replicas forward writes to the primary. Replicas can’t be written to. Writes are synchronous, and synchronous writes over geographical distance experience latency. Plan for this latency in your application design.

If you’re using Redis as region-local cache and don’t require a shared cache, setup separate databases per-region and enable object eviction.

Memory limits and object eviction policies

By default, Upstash Redis will disallow writes when the max data size limit has been reached. If you enable eviction during creation on update, Upstash Redis will evict keys to free up space.

First, keys marked with a TTL will be evicted at random. In the absence of volatile keys, keys will be chosen randomly for eviction. This is roughly the combination of the volatile-random and allkeys-random eviction policies available in standard Redis.

Note that items marked with an explicit TTL will expire accurately, regardless of whether eviction is enabled.


Upstash Redis databases are billed by usage on a pay-as-you-go basis, with a free allowance of 10,000 commands per day. Check the official Upstash Pricing page for details.

Your usage is updated hourly on your monthly bill. You can track database usage details in the Upstash web console as well.