Getting started

Illustration by Annie Ruygt of a chair and a small table holding a hot drink, on a rooftop, with a city skyline and hot-air balloons in the background

Get up and running quickly on

  • Hands-on: Launch a small demo app, walk through creating an account, and installing flyctl, the command-line tool.

  • Speedrun: Jump right in and launch your own app fast.

Once that’s done, check out our in-depth docs:

  • Language & Framework Guides: Comprehensive and starter guides for your favorite languages and frameworks.
  • Fly Launch: You’ve tried the fly launch command. Now learn how to use all the Fly Launch features that help you manage and run your apps.
  • Databases & Storage: Options for persistent data storage on
  • Fly Machines: Go deeper with our fast-launching VMs, and use them to run your projects and tasks.
  • Networking: How to connect to an app service, use a custom domain, and take advantage of private networking and dynamic request routing.