Run A Private DNS Over HTTPS Service

Why DNS over HTTPS?

DNS over HTTPS (or DoH or 🍩) is a protocol that makes browsing more private. Browsers typically resolve domain names with an unencrypted protocol, allowing nosy neighbors and internet providers to snoop on some internet activity. DoH creates an encrypted connection between browsers and the DNS resolver to make it difficult to even see what domains a user is loading.

Firefox now uses DNS over HTTPS by default in the US and DNS over HTTPS can easily be enabled elsewhere in the world. With the release of version 83, Chrome has gained official support for DNS over HTTPS (see this Chrome Blog post for details). And Microsoft is planning to enable DNS over HTTPS in Windows 10.

It’s useful to be able to run private services for protocols like DoH. If you pipe all your encrypted DNS requests to one shared provider, you’re essentially just swapping one nosy ISP for an even bigger internet provider. Fly is an especially good place to run DNS services because we deploy apps globally and the internet is faster when DNS is close by. And if you want to, you can even manage your own TLS.


Install Fly CLI

If you’re on a Mac, you can install the CLI with Homebrew:

brew install flyctl

For other systems, download and run the install script:

curl -L | sh

Sign In (or Up) for Fly

If you have a Fly account, all you need to do is sign-in with flyctl.

New User?

Welcome to Fly. To get your Fly account run:

flyctl auth signup

This will take you to the sign-up page where you can either:

  • Sign up With Email: Enter your name, email and password.

  • Sign up With GitHub: If you have a GitHub account, you can use that to sign up. Look out for the confirmatory email we will send you which will give you a link to set a password; you’ll need a password set so we can actively verify that it is you for some Fly operations.

Returning User


flyctl auth login

Your browser will open up with the Fly sign-in screen. Enter your user name and password to sign in. If you signed up with GitHub, use the Sign in with GitHub button to sign in.

Whichever route you take you will be signed-up, signed-in and returned to your command line, ready to Fly.

Create a Fly App

Pick a name for your new DNS over HTTPS service. Then create a Fly app:

flyctl apps create
? App Name (leave blank to use an auto-generated name)
> [your-app-name]

✔ New app created
  Name    = [your-app-name]
  Owner   = fly
  Version = v0
  Status  =

Created fly.toml

Two-minute easy mode

We’ve published a Docker image you can use to get started.

1. Deploy flyio/doh-proxy from Docker Hub

flyctl deploy -i flyio/doh-proxy:0.1.19
==> Validating app configuration
--> done
      TCP 80/443 ⇢ 8080
==> Creating Release
Release v0 created
==> Monitoring Deployment
You can detach the terminal anytime without stopping the deployment
v0 is being deployed
1 desired, 1 placed, 1 healthy, 0 unhealthy [health checks: 1 total, 1 passing]
v0 deployed successfully

2. Use https://[your-app-name]

Your new Fly app includes dedicated IP addresses and a [your-app-name] hostname with a valid certificate. You can see these by running flyctl info:

flyctl info
  Name     = doh-proxy
  Owner    = fly
  Version  = 10
  Status   = pending
  Hostname = https://[your-app-name]

  app    tcp        80     8080            http
  app    tcp        443    8080            tls http

IP Addresses
  ADDRESS                                TYPE                           v4
  2a09:8280:1:68a1:90f6:e320:d275:70f7   v6

The URL for DNS queries is: https://[your-app-name], you can use it in any app that supports DNS over HTTPS.

You can also try it out with curl:

curl -D - -sS "" | strings
HTTP/2 200
content-length: 56
content-type: application/dns-message
cache-control: max-age=43200
date: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 15:08:54 GMT
server: Fly/a04ef97 (Wed, 11 Sep 2019 11:18:30 +0000)

Hard mode (maybe 10 minutes)

1. Write a Custom Dockerfile

We use Docker to build and package applications. For custom builds, you’ll need a Dockerfile in your working directory — here’s a good one for doh-proxy:

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cargo Build Stage
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FROM rust:latest as cargo-build


RUN apt-get update

RUN apt-get install musl-tools -y

RUN rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

RUN RUSTFLAGS=-Clinker=musl-gcc cargo install doh-proxy --version $VERSION --root /usr/local/ --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Final Stage
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FROM alpine:3.10

RUN apk add --no-cache libgcc runit shadow curl

COPY --from=cargo-build /usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin

RUN useradd doh-proxy

USER doh-proxy


RUN /usr/local/bin/doh-proxy --version

CMD ["sh", "-c", "/usr/local/bin/doh-proxy --listen-address $LISTEN --server-address $RESOLVER"]

2. Deploy working directory with flyctl

The Fly CLI will build + deploy a Docker image in one step. Just run flyctl deploy in your working directory. If Docker is running locally, we’ll do a local build. If you don’t have docker installed, we copy the contents of your working directory and perform a build on our servers.

flyctl deploy
==> Validating app configuration
--> done
      TCP 80/443 ⇢ 8080
Deploy source directory '.'
Docker daemon available, performing local build...
Using Dockerfile from working directory: Dockerfile
Step 1/15 : FROM rust:latest as cargo-build
Step 6/15 : RUN RUSTFLAGS=-Clinker=musl-gcc cargo install doh-proxy --version $VERSION --root /usr/local/ --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
Step 7/15 : FROM alpine:3.10
Step 9/15 : COPY --from=cargo-build /usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin
Step 15/15 : CMD ["sh", "-c", "/usr/local/bin/doh-proxy --listen-address $LISTEN --server-address $RESOLVER"]
 ---> Running in 427a770ed8a5
 ---> ee696da27723
Successfully built ee696da27723
Successfully tagged
Image size: 18 MB
==> Pushing image
The push refers to repository []
75b521405184: Pushed
ec42405b9867: Pushed
fecdd1368b2a: Pushed
531743b7098c: Pushed
deployment-1580379849: digest: sha256:220099d5aae94190a206bfdda219480ffbf8da988690361ae6d1d280732d8a68 size: 1158
--> done
==> Creating Release
Release v0 created
==> Monitoring Deployment
You can detach the terminal anytime without stopping the deployment
v0 is being deployed
1 desired, 1 placed, 1 healthy, 0 unhealthy [health checks: 1 total, 1 passing]
v0 deployed successfully

This could take a while on the first one. Subsequent runs will reuse image layers and finish quite a bit faster.

Optional configuration

Use a Different Resolver

The doh-proxy project defaults to using the Quad9* DNS resolver at To change this, you can add an environment variable:

flyctl secrets set RESOLVER=
  VERSION   REASON            DESCRIPTION   USER               DATE
  v10       Secrets updated                 flydev@fly.local   0s ago

Change Hostnames

Fly apps support an unlimited number of hostnames and SSL certificates. To set one up:

  1. Add a certificate to your fly app:

    flyctl certs create -a doh-proxy
    Hostname              =
    Configured            = false
    Certificate Authority = lets_encrypt
    DNS Provider          = nsamesystem
    DNS Validation Target =
    Source                = fly
  2. Create a validation CNAME entry:

    • Name:
    • Target:
  3. Make a DNS entry pointing to your Fly app IP

Handle your own TLS

Fly can take care of TLS + HTTPS for you, but it doesn’t have to. If you’d prefer to terminate your own TLS, you can generate your own certificates, store them as encrypted Fly secrets, and tweak the Dockerfile to pull them from your app environment. We’ll happily forwarded encrypted TCP to your app and let you worry about the rest.